I realised this year, as I was putting up this thorn carving nativity set, that I have been doing this for about 50 years. Every Christmas putting this nativity set up either in my office or at home, it has been very precious to me over the years and it has been a reminder of the mystery of Jesus.
Every time I have placed the baby Jesus in the manger, I recall the fact that he is divine and yet he became human for us. He became like us to be with us, to experience all the human nature – but yet he is divine. It is such a blessing at this time of year to remember this mystery of Jesus and to thank him for all that he is to us.
The mystery of the Christ child is that he brings light into the world. At Christmas time light features very much in our cities. I love to walk around the city particularly at night and see the way that the city council or the government in whatever city I am in, have gone to great lengths to illuminate and to make pretty and beautiful the city. I like to take photos of those things because it reminds me of all the effort that went into lighting up our cities and making them joyful and fun at this time of year.
Light and joy are very closely linked and as we walk amongst the light, whether it be the brightness of summer or the lights of Christmas and winter our hearts are lifted because we sense that light is good. It is something we are drawn to.
Jesus in John’s gospel said in chapter 8 and verse 12 “I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness”. On these cold nights we sometimes need a light before us to make sure that we do not walk in darkness or we might trip over and fall or stumble and hurt ourselves. We don’t want to do that ! But in life also we need a light to guide us and what we celebrate at this time of advent, this time of Christmas, is the coming into the world of the Light of the World – Jesus himself. As we commit ourselves to following him once again as we meditate upon the Christmas story, we know that we receive his light into our hearts.
So our prayer is that the light of Jesus will shine upon you this Christmas. That you will know his presence in your lives and that you will radiate and reflect that light so that as people look at you they will see the light of Jesus shining in your hearts too.
So as we reflect upon the mystery of Jesus, let us reflect that it is light that is coming into the world. Let us receive that light. Let us reflect that light. Let us make the world a better place.
God bless you this Christmas time.