You should read the Terms and Conditions of use of the website of Representation of International Charity Organization Salvation Army in Georgia (“The Salvation Army in Georgia”, “We”, “Us”/“To Us”/“Our”) .

By using our website, you agree the Terms and Conditions of use of The Salvation Army in Georgia website.

The Salvation Army is an integral part of the Christian Church, although distinctive in government and practice. The Army’s doctrine follows the mainstream of Christian belief and its articles of faith emphasise God’s saving purposes. Its objects are ‘the advancement of the Christian religion… of education, the relief of poverty, and other charitable objects beneficial to society or the community of mankind as a whole.’*

Salvation Army activities were officially recommenced in Eastern Europe in July 1991, overseen by the Norway, Iceland and The Færoes Territory with the arrival of Lieut-Colonels John and Bjorg Bjartveit.

Under the leadership of Commissioner Reinder J. Schurink, the work was extended to Ukraine (1993), Georgia (1993) and Moldova (1994). The Army commenced work in Romania in 1999.

2015 brought about a significant change in the structure of The Salvation Army in Eastern Europe with EET establishing its headquarters in Chisinau, Moldova, overseeing the work in Romania, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

Languages in which the gospel is preached: Georgian, Moldovan, Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian.

We aim to meet the humanitarian and social needs of the country, as well as the spiritual needs of its parishes and local communities.

By using our website, you accept the Terms and Conditions of use of the website, which are set out here and read the Privacy Policy, as well as the Cookie Policy. If you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions, you should not continue visiting our website.

Access to the website of The Salvation Army in Georgia is free and does not require prior registration.

The user is responsible for the following expenses, such as:  Internet access, equipment and software.

The structure of the website, text, images and all elements that make up our website are the property of The Salvation Army in Georgia. You are not allowed to copy, distribute, delete, display, publish or sell information obtained from the website .

* Regulations of The Salvation Army 1980

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